Know More About VRK Diet:
Metabolic disorders like diabetes, obesity, thyroid and PCOD are as a result of Insulin resistance. They remain dormant for years. They come to surface eventually, after a decade or so of gradually increasing IR.
The only way to reverse these disorders is to stop eating insulin releasing foods. Carbohydrates release the most, proteins less and fat the least amount of insulin when we eat. So, to reverse IR you need to abstain from carbs, eat limited protein and make fat as part of your diet.
It won’t help if you starve by reducing your calories, as body will compensate by reducing your BMR. The diets which advocate restricted calories thus invariably fail. You hardly loose a few kg and will gain back once you stop dieting. The key is to take enough food, food that won’t secrete insulin much. Fat is the most calorie dense food, that has least insulin response. In the last 50 years, a scare was created about saturated fats which led to the explosion of diabetes and obesity. The sugar and the fast foods accelerated the deterioration in health among the masses.
Latest research suggests that saturated oils are good for health and people are gradually shifting from refined oils to cold pressed oils. VRK diet is based on ketone metabolism. It shifts you from carb metabolism to ketone metabolism. This diet reverses your IR very quickly, within a few months, which feat is not possible with any other diet. VRK diet is different from other keto diets. It has four pillars, as the foundation of the diet. No other keto diet has such specific and detailed instructions.
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