Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 5Litre
Experience nature’s goodness in its purest form with VRK Naturals Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil. Crafted from carefully selected, sulfur-free, and whole dried copra, our oil promises unparalleled purity and quality. We handpick whole dried copra from trusted sources and utilize traditional cold-pressing methods to extract the oil, ensuring vital nutrients and vitamins are preserved. This process avoids high temperatures and chemicals, guaranteeing visible purity in every VRK Diet Coconut Oil drop.
Premium Quality for Cooking and Health
Our premium-quality cold-pressed coconut oil is perfect for cooking and promotes overall health and well-being. Regular use of VRK Naturals Cold Pressed Coconut Oil enhances the body’s natural resistance to diseases and supports heart health by reducing cholesterol formation. Its rejuvenating aroma elevates the flavor of dishes, making it ideal for seasoning.
Versatile Beauty Enhancer
Beyond its culinary benefits, VRK Diet Cold Pressed Coconut Oil is a versatile beauty enhancer. Its regular application nourishes and conditions hair and skin, promoting growth and strength. Our oil massage relaxes muscles, detoxifies skin cells, and imparts a radiant glow.
Nutritional Information
VRK Diet Cold Pressed Coconut Oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), aiding metabolism and digestion. It is packed with vitamin E, which improves skin tone and alleviates mental tension. The oil is cholesterol-free and contains abundant trans fats, making it a superior alternative to traditional cooking oils.
Benefits of Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Unlike refined oils, our cold pressed coconut oil retains most of its natural nutrients. It is a favourite among health-conscious individuals worldwide for its ability to enhance food flavour and colour. It can be used as a natural moisturizer for skin and hair and is perfect for baking, frying, and sautéing. Additionally, it can aid in weight reduction.
Uses of Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Cold pressed coconut oil is ideal for cooking, including sautéing, frying, and baking. It also adds a delicious flavor to salads and smoothies.
Storage Instructions
Wood-pressed coconut oil should be kept in a cold, dark, and dry environment to avoid oxidation and guarantee a lengthy shelf life. Store the container well closed and away from heat and moisture to preserve freshness and scent.
For all the VRK Diet followers – this particular oil has been made according to Dr. Veeramachaneni Ramakrishna’s exacting standards making sure it is nutrient intact to give you the best results.